
Panagiotis Maniatis Greece
Anti-Imperialist Declaration

Anti-Imperialist Declaration

Panagiotis Maniatis Greece//5:47pm, Dec 15th '20

Panagiotis Maniatis, born in Athens, is a Greek poet. He has been a dynamic defendant of Marxist-Leninist ideology in the socio-political space-time of late capitalism.

From the populous demonstration outside the ‘Embassy’

We declare our opposition to the domination of imperialism.

Either as Cuban boatmen

Or as Vietnamese old moles

We protest forcible interventions

And coups

Calling for independence

From theocracies, monarchies

And economic oligarchies.

Do you remember when we protested for Iraq,

Syria, Libya and Afghanistan?

Against the partition of Yugoslavia

And the destabilization of Venezuela?

Years and years we have been crying out against the bloodshed

For oil and wealth-producing resources

In solidarity with the struggle of the peoples,

We are the enemies of the murderous imperialists.

Lifelong warriors for the day

We will live in peace

In a world without wars, poverty and exile.

What is our responsibility?
Ben Lunn Britain//11:18am, Sep 9th '21

What is our responsibility?

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The truth about Cuba's Protests
Owen Williamson from USA//12:33am, Jul 19th '21

The truth about Cuba's Protests

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The end of the 'Endless War': The Messy withdrawal from Afghanistan
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The New ‘Estates General’ and the Liberal Caste System
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Music as an expression of protest against class and racial segregation- part 2 of 4
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Music as an expression of protest against class and racial segregation- part 2 of 4

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Even more working poor in rich Europe
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