
Debojit Banerjee Executive editor of The International India
Fight for Economical & Social Freedom still continues even after 75 years of independence in both India & Pakistan

Fight for Economical & Social Freedom still continues even after 75 years of independence in both India & Pakistan

Debojit Banerjee Executive editor of The International India//1:02am, Aug 15th '21

In 1945, just after the “World War II” ended huge rallies, protest gatherings as well as general strike were organized at the call of AISF in demand of releasing three Indian National Army(INA) officers who were put on trial by the British Government. In these protests several AISF cadres were injured and a few cadres were killed by surprising gunshots and Lathi charge by police in Calcutta, Bombay and Lahore. After these brutal incidents, fierce Student movements started all over the country mainly in Calcutta, Bombay, Lahore and Lucknow. It is one of the biggest movements in the history of Sub-continental Student movement. The names of the INA officers for whom this kind of fierce protest was organized are Sehgal, Dhillon and Shahnawaz Khan. It is clear that the revolutionaries of undivided India would never have thought that the country will be divided one day in the name of religion; though the “Two Nation Theory '' was introduced in 1937 but very few responded to it.


In 1947, the world saw two self-governing nations of “India '' and “Pakistan '' which came into existence at mid-night on 15th August. After passing through many post-colonising political and social instabilities and discourses India is on the verge of celebrating its’ 75th independence day. While, Pakistan celebrated it one day ago. However, Apart from their day of independence, both of the nations have some more things in common and that is Corruption, massive Social and communal inequality. Standing on the present situation, it will not be wrong to say that both of the nations are making it’s name in the world for its’ efficient production of social and communal hate crimes. If we ask an average Pakistani high school student that “From whom we got liberty in 1947?, he/she would answer “From Hindus' '. In Pakistan from educational institutes to hospitals Pakistani Citizens who belong to minority sections get victimised in many hate crimes and intolerant activities even in the twenty-first century and on the other hand, India certainly has communal hate crimes as well as caste-discriminations. In India we have the tragic incident that happened with Rohit Vemula who got an admission in Hyderbad Central University(India)for higher education had to commit suicide due to repeated social harassment. His crime was that he belonged to a so-called lower Caste. Till this date the efficient educational facilities are available for them only who can pay for it in both the nations. Since independence, the capitalist Governments in both countries have been using religion as a weapon to divide people for their political benefits and they are creating a fake nationalism hype to exploit people economically when they are very much mentally invested into this hype. It is unfortunate that standing in 2020, the larger section of these two democratic countries do not get the fundamental rights which are “Right to education”, “Right to get health facilities' '. Rather the governments are promoting more than 130 nuclear bombs as development, winning a cricket match against each other as success and capital is generated from both of these publicity stunts. Efficient education and health facilities are only available for the 1% who are the elite class. Poor section which is the majority in both the countries are still waiting for social and economic independence. From the reality of 74 years of democracy, it is clear that the larger section of both the countries are very weak socially and economically. It is already established that only left forces have been demanding social and economic independence with political rights.


Communist and left student youths sacrificed and dedicated their lives for gaining political independence from the British colonisation and it is the responsibility for us to play the pioneer role to unite the student-youths of both the countries against the fundamentalist capitalist forces of both countries to move forward towards socialism. The borders cannot separate our goals and dreams. Fight will continue till it is achieved.


Introduction of writer – Debojit Banerjee, Executive editor of The International, Kolkata India .Image

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