
Yanis Iqbal India
A Poem by Yanis Iqbal

A Poem by Yanis Iqbal

Yanis Iqbal India//9:46am, Jan 2nd '22

A Hunger-stricken Child

Someone knocks on the glittering glass of a posh car,

Someone ruffles the sleek surface of a dead conscience.

Heaps of bones, sheets of muscles -

Can the intruder in the rich man's universe be called a "child"?

He begs for pennies to fill his belly,

He desperately steps onto the car’s sidestep in a last chance of survival.

But to no avail.


Shooed away like a street dog,

The decomposing body distills into tense torment,

Engulfed by the wretched purity of the world's inhumanity.

As each tissue of the body is scarred by starvation,

The child slowly seeps into the sewages of indifference,

Clothed in the nakedness of injustice.

Ideological work in the new era of socialism in China - Part 3
Gabriel Martinez//1:50am, Sep 23rd '22

Ideological work in the new era of socialism in China - Part 3

… click here to read the previous partIdeological work and class struggleThe struggle between bourgeois ideas, with all their effects, and the ideas of the proletariat, represented by Marxism, is a long-lasting....

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Will Biden fix his mess in Syria
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Will Biden fix his mess in Syria

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Vietnam's defeat of imperialism portends to the US empire's ultimate downfall
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Vietnam's defeat of imperialism portends to the US empire's ultimate downfall

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The State of Labor Power and Class Consciousness in Today's America
Andrzej Ranek USA//12:53am, Jan 2nd '21

The State of Labor Power and Class Consciousness in Today's America

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