
Megan Sherman UK
The Truth on Policing: killing for joy

The Truth on Policing: killing for joy

Megan Sherman UK//12:41am, Jan 18th '22

Throughout his career as a public servant, FBI police trainer Dave Grossman has stuck to and spread a deeply perverted ideology that encourages on the job kills because they lead to better sex. Black Lives Matter now has a chance to unmask the sickening occult dynamic behind police brutality.

At the centre of a corporate suite, with boisterous body language including satanic hand gestures, FBI police trainer Dave Grossman imparts a sick philosophy to his audience. According to this ideologist of death, people who kill on the job are being unfairly made to feel guilty by a moralising left – shouldn’t feel remorse – and ought to enjoy the benefits of the deed, namely better sex. The view that official murder is a blameless act and something to actively enjoy is symptomatic of the psychopathic Nazi state America is. Grossman is still at large preaching his ideology of death because an obedient system that rewards sociopathy is not making his views and his malign influence on the police public.

Dave Grossman’s books are required reading at the FBI and at police academies across the USA. That’s a very bad thing – it means indoctrination of the police labour force to seek benefits from sickeningly immoral deeds, destigmatising the use of lethal force which ought to remain stigmatised, leading police to mentally categorise murder as justified. According to humanitarian thinking, state sponsored violence against domestic minorities is a violation of civil rights. According to Grossman, it is legitimate and even fun.


This tsar of US policing rejects morality and opts instead to sanctify torture. Under this kind of administration, the image of police as arbiters of public welfare disintegrates, with them straightforwardly benefiting from cold blooded murder. And, if the typical radical view “All Cops Are Bastards” is correct, doctrines such as Grossman’s are the evidence that policing is bad for democracy and bad for people. In my view, the big mistake the left is making is treating police oppression as a secular issue, without looking at the deeper occult dynamics in police training which galvanise their repellent behaviour.

Following the death of George Floyd, support for the institution of policing is waning and disenchantment is widespread in and beyond the US, with popular grassroots movements calling for the defunding of policing. The policing system is crucial in upholding systems of oppression that predominantly target people of colour, the fist of a white totalitarian system. That’s why radicalism must be intersectional in theory and praxis. The reality is the racist distribution of power in society manifests in the disproportionate mutilation and murder of people of colour by people ostensibly hired to protect the public. It’s not an exaggeration to say that the rule of America systematically violates the fundamental human rights of people of colour and is irreconcilable to true freedom.

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US policing is so stacked against people of colour it allows their mutilation and murder largely without consequence or punishment for the perpetrators. Following Floyd’s murder there has been a wave of negative sentiment towards the police. In radical culture, the police are construed as an antidemocratic guerilla that harass and intimidate innocent people. Black Lives Matter have highlighted the absurdity of claims that America is a model of virtue whilst public funds are conspicuously administered to organisations that industrialise racist murder. The US policing system is a paid and rewarded executioner, subsidised by taxpayers, an evergreen summer of police tyranny.

This is not a problem that can be fought with education. It is too culturally deep seated and institutionally powerful to be vulnerable to an educated public. The only effective antidote lies within a mass movement based on direct action that targets and emasculates the police. The longstanding, ongoing struggle for african-american dignity requires of white people to sacrifice their inherent societal privilege and lay their bodies on the line as allies to people of colour.


The police are but one branch of the murder sector of the US government, galvanising a dynamic which connects wars of conquest which make graveyards of Islamic countries with domestic oppression. US society is split between those whose livelihoods are earnest and those whose livelihoods are sinister, the dark masters whose work consists in crushing innocent people’s subsistence. 

I have a theory that the Grossman doctrine has infiltrated policing in the UK and that the high profile murder of Sarah Everard by a serving officer can be explained by police internalising the belief on the job kills are a route to better sex. All the roads lead back to Grossman. Black Lives Matter are faced with a historic opportunity to condemn this dark master and chase him out of the shadows into the disinfectant of sunlight.

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