
Amir Asgari Germany
Student Movement in Iran; The Role of Students to Overthrow Islamic Regime

Student Movement in Iran; The Role of Students to Overthrow Islamic Regime

Amir Asgari Germany//11:24pm, Dec 7th '20

Before 1979 People Revolution against the Shah’s Dictatorship and after the Islamic regime with killing and massacre the main politic wings in the heard of them communists and secular groups, imposed himself on the body of the revolution in Iran. Before and after 1979 revolution student movement are the most active and effective movement in the heart of overthrowing and left revolution against the Shah and The Islamic Republic in Iran. Overthrowing the Capitalist Regime with the Socialistic demands of student movement is the most important axis which can be seen up to know.
After 1979, the Islamic Barbaric Regime in Iran tried to change the political and ideological shape of the Universities to Islamic, because in the first period of revolution Universities were managed with council management system by Students and Lectures and Universities was the center of left based activists and parties which were holding the conferences and lessons about Marxism, Marxism-Leninism, Maoism and other important communistic Ideologies.
The Islamic Republic with killing and massacre of the left based student activists changed the secular system of Universities which called “Cultural Revolution” by the Islamic Republic. In the Cultural Revolution killed over thousands of students and however in the calendar of Iran 7th December is the Student Day but the anniversary of the Cultural Revolution in the Universities and the anniversary of killing the freedom wanted and socialist students is the Student day.

Student Day in Iran; 7th December, or the Anniversary of Massacre Student Activists as the Cultural Revolution

On 7th December, 1953 Iranian coup d'état against the Mossadegh Regime by Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and United States Government’s supports, students started struggling against this anti-democratic coup. After the 1953 coup in Iran, Richard Nixon visited Tehran, then students of the Tehran University striking and walking to the Nixon’s Speech, as a Dictator Regime’s guards the polices of Shah killed the 3 Students on 7th December. National Resistance Movement of Iran and the Toudeh Party sympathizer students and the Islamic Movements used this opportunity to call this day as a Student day.
After 4 decades of the Cultural Revolution by the Islamic Barbaric Regime in Iran, student movement activists ideologies are still secular, left wings and socialistic ideology have hegemony; it’s show the Islamic republic lose the match. Cause of the most of the Nationalist and The Islamic Base Movements calling the 7th December as the Students Day in Iran, the freedom wanted and communist students Just used this day as a general protest day against the Islamic Regime structure in the Universities. For most students, the Students' Day could be called the anniversary of killing the Secular and Communist Students by the Islamic Regime in the name of “Cultural Revolution” on 21st April 1980 at Tabriz University.
The “Cultural Revolution” by the Islamic Republic is not only an event for memorial of the freedom and equality wanted students, who killed and massacred, this date (21st April) is the date of the students standing the Islamic Rules and Structure of the barbaric Regime in the society and the Universities. Anti-Hijab, Anti-Religionist and Anti-Capitalism movements of students and the society showed the Islamic Regime that this regime could not exposed his barbaric minds to the people of Iran.

The Demands of students in the Students’ Day in Iran and in the Next Step of struggling against the Islamic barbarian regime

After 4 decades of Struggle and the uprisings, the students at the most radical shape stands against the Islamic Republic in the Axis of the political activities. The Students lead the overthrowing protests against the Islamic Republic on November 2019 uprising and screamed their demands in the most radical shape, which has not been recognized as radical as before. After November 2019 and after 276 passengers of the Ukraine International Flight 752 was killed by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (Sepah) Rocket attacks at the January 2020, just for the Political profits of the Islamic Republic’s Terroristic minds, Students of Tehran Polytechnic started to protest against “Sepah” attacked and the Islamic Regime. The Protests of Students of Polytechnic of Tehran issued to all over the Iran Universities with the overthrowing demands.
The Student movements in all of 4 decades after 1979 revolution have two important axes; class struggling and fighting against the overthrowing the Islamic Barbarity of Islamic Regime in Iran. Student in Iran are always standing together with the workers against the harsh Capitalistic system and want a class revolution. Students want a secular system with the base of socialism and unlimited freedom in the society as well as Universities. Students are exaggerated of sexist and religions apartheid, they want no managing the Universities with the Council Managing System. Hijab and Islamic Shari’a law are the most hateful existence and of the Islamic Republic in Iran and want to disappear this barbaric rules in the country and the Universities.

Another important demands of the Students is the freedom of hundreds of arrested student activists such as;

- Ali Yunesi, staying over 230 days in prison without any cleared lawful sentenced just for his ideology
- Amir Hossein Moradi, Sentenced with Execution
- Sepideh Gholian, Sentenced with 5 years prisons
- Parisa Rafiei, Sentenced with 7 years prisons and 74 whips
- Soha Mortezaei, Sentenced with 6 years prisons
- Bahareh Hedayat, Sentenced with 4 years prisons
- Elham Samimi, arrested under torture and pressure for sentencing
- Hamed Ghara Oghlu, Sentenced with 13 years prisons, or Execution, he is waiting for the last decision
- Arash Sadeghi, Sentenced with 19 years prisons
- Saeid Tamjidi, Sentenced with Execution
- Mohammad Rdjabi, Sentenced with Execution
Hundreds of students are still under arrest and sentenced with long years of prisons and even with execution, also hundreds of the student activists are temporary free from prison with paying expensive millions of cash and just waiting for applying their sentence.

Students raised some important demands such as;
- Abolition of Hijab Rule
- Freedom of expression
- Sexual Freedom
- Freedom of party membership and political activities
- Council Management of Universities
- Separation of Religion from Education
- Abolition of religious laws from the administration of the country
- Introducing the criminals of the people and the students (The Islamic Republic’s Guards and the Regime) and prosecuting them publicly as criminals against humanity
- Abolish discriminatory laws against women and abolish gender segregation

Students must screaming their demands at their continuously struggling against the Islamic Regime and its harsh Capitalism. Students at this step most to holding their independent student councils at the different universities, then organizing the student activists for the important activities against the Islamic regime with the most radical method for enhanced demands and at the end leading the next people’s revolution in Iran.
The summary is students as well as the working class and the big mess of people in Iran for enhancement of the unlimited freedom, equality and welfare, need a Revolution.

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