
Oscar Smith Nicaragua
"The truth always win and the lies always fail"

"The truth always win and the lies always fail"

Oscar Smith Nicaragua//5:57pm, Nov 2nd '21

Nicaragua, the biggest country in Central America has been targeted by US imperialism throughout different administrations from democrats to republicans and self-described "progressive" congressmen and congresswomen that always vote in line with the US imperialist interests. With the condor plan in the past and the second one now in progress. The imperialist propaganda against Nicaragua now is stronger and more abusive than ever as they want to impose upon the Nicaraguan people the whims of the wealthiest elite from the USA, who have been stealing from our countries make themselves richer and the poor poorer. This horrible plan does not resemble democracy and social justice.

The lies that the US promotes through the propaganda, we all know who the owners are and what kind of interest they have. It is a battle of reality vs lies, the same lies that they have used in the past to overthrow free governments in the middle east, launch military invasions, unilateral sanctions and so on. Nicaragua knows all of the US governments strategies because more than 4 times the United States has either invaded or interfered in our sovereignty, causing mass destruction and more than 100,000 Nicaraguan citizens to be killed during those cruel interventions.

This year Nicaragua celebrates 200 years of independence from the Spanish empires cruel colonial rule and now along with the European Union, as with the previous empire, they share the same goal of interfering with our internal affairs. They violate our international rights with sanctions and the Vienna Declaration from their allies in the OAS. All of them attempt to interfere with our constitutional and democratic process. The US government is now trying to attack our independence by lying about the elections which are to take place on November 7th,a date crucially vital to peace, continued development, social inclusion, fighting poverty, indigenous rights, and our very independence as a Nation that respects international rights and our constitution. We are ready to show the world that we are a sovereign Sandinista nation who has successfully defeated imperialism for more than two centuries.


History gave the Nicaraguan people their rights. In 1988 Nicaragua won a claim against the US government over the financing of terrorist groups who were backed by Ronald Reagan, a disgrace that caused profound destruction in Nicaragua. The international court of Justice condemned the US government and asked them to pay Nicaragua more than 17,000 million US dollars because of the damage and cruel financing of terrorists. They provided bombs, training, strategy and intelligence to bomb hospitals, schools and civic, respecting no boundaries.

A little girl named Brenda Rocha who was shot by terrorists many times in the indigenous community called Bonanza survived the attempt on her life at 15 years, many other comrades of hers were killed and she was able to survive only because she forced herself to stopped breathing when the terrorists were checking the bodies for life, she knew if she breathed she would have been beheaded. This is one of many stories during the terror "Made in USA".

"The Eagle from the North has a lot to learn from The Guardabarranco (National Bird) of Central America (Nicaragua) about democracy and human Rights.

The United Nations and all ethical world organizations place an emphasis on the basic principles of democracy and the struggle for human dignity: No interference in the internal affairs of any country, Women’s and indigenous rights, the struggle against climate change, poverty reduction, access to basic services for all citizens, the struggle against nuclear weapons and so on.

Nicaragua successfully applies all of those principles. The US distorts all this with their propagandist media. In 1979 a cruel dictator prepared , trained and supported by the US government for more than 40 years was removed from power, giving birth to the democracy that Nicaragua maintains today. The United States government remembers that his puppet lost against a real democracy that takes inspiration from our Martyrs and the struggle of the General of free men and women, Augusto Nicolas Calderón Sandino.

For the November 7th General Elections 15 political parties agreed to respect law 331 (electoral law) and its reforms. All elections adhere to the terms that are established in the national constitution ( To see candidates running visit CSE.GOB.NI ). For this reason our general election will reaffirm a new victory against US imperialism, and a second victory against those countries that don't respect international law. Those who attempt to interfere in our election pretend to have rights that are only for Nicaraguan citizens and not for any foreign government or empire. This is a basic and clear principle that is part of the constitutions of all countries.

The principles that Nicaraguan political parties must adhere to by law , among others are: gender equality; all political parties must be structured by 50% of men and 50% of women throughout the vote receiving board, including presidents, first and second members, prosecutors and alternate prosecutors. In the national constitution of Nicaragua all citizens are equal. Therefore in this elections diversity is of extreme importance. Native Miskitu, Mayangna, African Nicaraguan citizens, disabled communities, are apart of the diferent teams in each political party.


Due to the current COVID-19 situation the campaign is promoted virtually and via posters , advertising in different public spaces, television, social media and so on. The electoral power is the Supreme organ in Nicaragua, it will take care of and defend our democratic process. The president of the electoral power is a woman who suffered a lot in the past and now is the President of the electoral power, a dignified and faultless womannamed Brenda Rocha all along with exemplary citizens Alma Nubia Baltodano, Devoney McDavis, Mayra Salinas Uriarte, Lumberto Campbell Hooker, Cairo Amador and Leonzo Knight. In this branch Nicaragua has more than 60% of women, which includes women of Caribbean Coast, Miskitu and other ethnic minorities.

Commander Daniel Ortega and Vice President Rosario Murillo were nominated by the FSLN as their candidates and are currently polling at 70% in favor of re-election during the national congress "Heroic Pancasan" on August 2nd in which unanimously they elected the candidates for the post of the President, Vicepresident, national deputes, department deputes and deputes to the Central American Parliament. All along with the respect of gender equality, social inclusion and participation of native communities and African Nicaraguans.

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All is ready for the next elections. More than 3 million Nicaraguans will vote. The so called democratic country of the North through it’s allies and the state department already applied sanctions on Nicaragua including, Magnitsky Act, Nica Act, and sanctioned individuals who are essential to the social justice that the Sandinista government promotes The worst possible act against world peace and human rights are the sanctions that affect the people of Nicaragua, Cuba and Venezuela. It seems like for the US government the meaning of democracy simply is the harassment from the wealthiest people against leftist countries that are showing to the world that is possible to have a country that includes everyone, and provides a free Healthcare System, free education, and subsidized transportation. The US government is very afraid that their citizens will desire to have such a government, a government that learns from the struggle of the global south and does away with unjust corporations, and the frequent murdering of African Americans.


The USA Government all along with the US embassador in Managua spent all of last year to unify the so called opposition groups. Those groups received financing from NED, USAID and others but failed because all financing later on was put in personal accounts of the fake opposition which in 2018 attempted to overthrow the Sandinista government applying the Gene Sharpe strategy. But, the Nicaraguans are courageous people and like in 1979 they won against the US Puppet Somoza, they won again in 2018 and in the electoral year, the People of Nicaragua will win again despite the hate and dirty strategies of US government to interfere in the elections.

The United States government recently impossed sanctions against the electoral power of Nicaragua simply because they are afraid of a successful leftist country that has by principles the empowernment of the people, gender equality, environmental struggle, clean energy, and all benefits that unfortunately many USA citizens don’t have because for the system of the North has profit over people! They are against humanity and see every individual as a number to make the most profits as possible, they throw everybody to the streets. The USA government loathes the social inclusion and the participation of women in political lives and also native communities because they sanctioned in the past the National Police of Nicaragua which is integrated by Women, people from the countryside native communities and African Nicaraguans.

The United States shows with this illegal action his real desires that means that for the USA government the only "democracy" are the countries where the corporations are free to put people in power like the US government. The USA government believes democracy is submission to their interests . We see in the USA system and its allies with high scores of corruption and social inequality, as recently shown in the Pandora Papers, presidents and government powers from Colorado, Costa Rica, Ecuador and former president of Argentina all of them defrauding their countries in tax heavens. The USA government hasn't provided any statement against those countries because they obey their desires. The same silence from the USA government against Colombia where massacres of social leaders is a common issue. But the USA government provides financial assistance to the actual government. The same with Costa Rica, a close ally to the USA government and one of the countries that supports some extreme right wing groups from Nicaragua which in 2018 attempted to overthrow the constitutional government of Nicaragua.

Under double standards no foreign nation has the right to interfere in the elections of Nicaragua, because of the single reason that Nicaragua is not the colony nor the department or province of the USA government or the European Union.

The electoral process in Nicaragua will bring back the development and the struggle against poverty, social inclusion and so on. The people of Nicaragua know that exactly and will vote on november the 7th no matter how many dirty campaigns are promoted internationally. The Nicaraguan people are democratic and have a lot to teach to the world. Nicaraguans are courageous and they understand the actual situation in the world. Nicaragua understands well that the United States government will do everything against the social progress that Nicaragua is living.

In the next elections a civic party will take place in Nicaragua and the only that Nicaragua ask to the world is to respect our internal affairs, stop and remove the sanctions because they attack our communities. communities feel that the sanctions are like an extortion which oblige us to vote for the criminals that are backed by the USA agencies. Extortion is illegal and is a violation of international rights. The United States government must understand and comprehend that whenever they interfere in any sovereign country it only brings blood and conflict, all Nicaraguans know what the USA government did with Honduras, Dominican Republic, Panama, Grenada, multiple times in Nicaragua and many other countries.

The United States government has to understand that our countries are more awake than ever, more knowledgeable than ever and full of the revolutionary zeal. It has to understand that people are proud to be Nicaraguan, we are proud of our freedom, we are proud of the peace and the growth we experience. The United States government must respect all countries around the world and stop extortion. Nicaraguans today are really proud of the perfect democracy that they have, for all those reasons the lies will fail while all Nicaraguans will continue defending the truth and inviting all US citizens to visit Nicaragua and feel all statements from before.


This year will be the second independence from Foreign desires and dirty campaigns, will be the second independence from the US imperialism as our Commander President Daniel Ortega confirmed during the verification process.

Nicaragua is free and democratic and in Nicaragua there is not space for traitors of the homeland. Nicaragua is ready to confirm its love to the nation on november the 7th.

It is important to explain that the FSLN Is the same political party that brough back democracy to Nicaragua in 1979, is the political party that seized power with a revolutionary strategy and worldwide support and is the only party that promoted laws to protect the poorest people , provide free education and equal access to all communities, this is also the political party that recognized the native communities lands on September of 1987 the Sandinista government approved the law 28 "Status of autonomy of the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua". With this important law the Caribbean coast citizens from the North and South were official recognized by the National constitution. This important law allows native communities to maintain the right to the land, their own government system, their own native languages and also their own political parties. In the next elections there will be the participation of regional political parties like Yatama, Indigenous multiethnic party, Coast Unity movement, Liberal Autonomous Party, Progressive indigenous Party.

Most of the citizens in the Caribbean Cost of Nicaragua are militants of the political party FSLN, many are natives, african Nicaraguans, and also mixed , almost all are Sandinistas.

Whenever the United States Government attacks the political party FSLN, it is attacking the native communities, it’s attacking all these policies that makes Nicaragua a top country in decreasing poverty, illiteracy, pregnant deaths, it has the best roads of the region, safest country of Latin America and in this year the social justice will allow a social growth of 8% despite United States Sanctions.

This is the best time for all free minds, real progressive people, artists, poets , revolutionaries, leftists from the world to come together to help us to defend the truth about a beautiful country located in Central America. A Paradise known as Nicaragua, the "Land of lakes and Volcanos".

For more information and updates please follow my accounts on Twitter @OscarSmithNic , facebook: Oscar Smith Nicaragua; Instagram like Smith.Oscar and whatsapp Tiktok Oscar Smith Videos and follow on tiktok Daniel Ortega Official if you speak Spanish. The truth will win against the lies from imperialism.

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