
Luis Lazaro Tijerina USA


Luis Lazaro Tijerina USA//2:41pm, Feb 4th '25

There is not a month in my life,
not one lonely month in a year,
not one forsaken day, when memory
is not dearer than life itself,
that I do not think about that heroic city.
History is forged forever there
in the cement streets paved by workers’ hands
where lovers once walked hand in hand
in the cool days of springtime.
In the summer of 1942,
those serene boulevards were fought for,
street by street, building by building,
every hour of the day and night,
and no quarter was given,
not even to the dogs who tried to flee the city.
Even the living despaired that they
had lived too long to remember
that a country dies but once
in the hearts of its people.
It was in the great city of Stalingrad
that the people of the world made their stand.
A grenade thrown is a restless heart,
A bayonet charge is a reminder
of who we are in the struggle with death,
hand-to-hand combat is a living memory
of the banner that rages in our hearts.
This is our legacy.
We owe our lives to Stalingrad.

South Africa Takes Israel to International Court for Genocide in Palestine
Sourav Chakraborty Executive Editor//6:15am, Jan 6th '24

South Africa Takes Israel to International Court for Genocide in Palestine

In a gripping turn of events, South Africa has taken a powerful stance for Palestine, throwing down the gauntlet by officially filing a case against Israel in the International Court of Justice. Delving....

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All the questions socialists have about China but were too afraid to ask
Alexander Norton interviews Keith Lamb//12:06pm, May 20th '21

All the questions socialists have about China but were too afraid to ask

In the 1990s and 2000s conventional Western wisdom was that China had long abandoned socialism. But by 2018, when president Xi Jinping lauded Marx as the greatest thinker of modern times at the closing....

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The social dimension of the pandemic in Brazil
Cristian Junior Brazilian History researcher and teacher//2:31pm, Apr 23rd '21

The social dimension of the pandemic in Brazil

It's done. Brazil reached 350 thousands of pandemic deaths. Although there is the biological factor – the virus itself -, it looks small in front of its social nature. This disease doesn’t mean a “natural....

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Tribute to Mehdi Amel
Jad Kabbanji Canada//12:52am, May 30th '23

Tribute to Mehdi Amel

36 years ago, on May 18, 1987, the intellectual, militant, resistance fighter, and philosopher of the Communist Party of Lebanon, Hassan Hamdane - better known under his pen name and nom-de-guerre Mehdi....

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CHAPTER IV: WITHIN THE WALLS: A memoir of the plague in Quebec City
Luis Lazaro Tijerina USA//8:36pm, Jan 28th '22

CHAPTER IV: WITHIN THE WALLS: A memoir of the plague in Quebec City

Chapter IVMONTCALM VAINCUBLESSÉ A MORT ICILE 13 SEPTEMBRE 1759MONTCALM DEFEATEDHERE RECEIVED A MORTAL WOUND 13 SEPTEMBER 1759It is the day after January 6, 2021, when the act of violent, mob insurrection....

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The Libyan Political Dialogue Forum: Will it save Libya or destroy the country?
Steven Sahiounie USA//8:19pm, Nov 20th '20

The Libyan Political Dialogue Forum: Will it save Libya or destroy the country?

The Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF), organized by the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) and led by Stephanie Williams, former US Charge d’Affaires in Libya, opened in Tunis on November 9. At....

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