
Andrzej Ranek USA
A Letter To An American Conservative

A Letter To An American Conservative

Andrzej Ranek USA//3:41pm, Feb 8th '21

I have heard the claims of some of my fellow Americans, that our new president is a communist. I hear these wonderful claims and would like to know;

Why are there still children in cages? Why are the immigrants still hungry? Why do they still earn a few dollars per day? Why is Leonard Peltier in prison? Why are there any political prisoners still? Wouldn't a communist free them given the ability?

Did I wake up too late and miss the lifting of the trade embargoes on Cuba, Venezuela, and the DPRK? Where is the presidential push for the unification of the korean peninsula? Have I somehow overlooked the disbandment of NATO? I really must be the most irresponsibly informed person in America to be so ignorant of these anticipated actions from our newest presidential convert.

Where are the reparations for the Native American genocide? Where are the reparations for slavery? Will our "communist" president Biden soon hand over the rich land owners and prison managers that oversee the human misery that is modern slave labor? I really missed the red flags being raised over the factories. Has anyone received government mandated free healthcare? Forgiven student loans? Free education? Job guarantees? Universal childcare subsidy? I hadn't seen hide or hair of these campaign promises during the presidential campaign.

I probably didn't have the TV on when the six o' clock news announced the presidential order to form peoples tribunals. Tribunals where we abolished the local police department and established community defense units. Peoples tribunals where we gave trials to the politicians that allowed unfettered american fascism.

This pervasive fear within the democratic party of being smeared as communists is what drags the democratic party further and further to the right. The more they have been accused of being communist, the more they have collaborated with the republicans to create this nightmare that the United States is today. A hard struggle is winning space in the minds of the everyday American person; socialism is not bad. The last president put bourgeois politics and capitalism on bad footing, exposing the farce of both. Democratic party aims will see the next presidency as a return to the Obama era. So i ask again, where are the guillotines?

Yours truly,
A Hopeful Communist

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