
Brian Topping England
Battle of Britain - Working Class First!

Battle of Britain - Working Class First!

Brian Topping England//4:37pm, Dec 29th '20

With the conclusion of the Tory/EU brinkmanship, The Tories have relaunched a new ideological front in their class war.

For the revolutionary Left conclusively leaving the EU club offers an opportunity to weaken the grip of transnational monopoly capitalism and strengthen organised working class resistance in Britain to the ruling class elite.

For the Tories, whichever political faction they belong, Brexit offers an opportunity to give a transfusion to the propaganda myth of a “one nation” Conservative Party.

Central to Johnson’s Christmas message was the phoney chauvinist message of “national growth ahead”, linked to his empty promises of “leavelling up”. His puppet Chancellor, rich boy Sunak, uttered with evangelical zeal,“ we are now in a new era for the nation”.

False notions of nationwide Toryism and one nation Conservatives are to be revived, not only in an attempt to divide the working class, but also as opposition to the growth of petty bourgeois nationalism of the separatist parties.

The political divisions in the Tory party continue to deepen, however they remain the political party of the ruling class elite. One example is the self- proclaimed ‘Eurosceptic’ group led by arch reactionary, Bill Cash MP. Cash is part of the Tory Oxbridge gang, is married to the daughter of the 7th Earl of Crassett and lives in the medieval mansion of Upton Crassett Hall. It’s clear where his class loyalties lie.

Meantime, the public health and economic crisis, made worse by government corruption and foolishness, is set to deepen in the new year. The official death count from COVID is edging towards 100,000 and neither the mini Xmas boom in trade, nor the EU deal will stop the slide into mass unemployment and growing hardship for the many.

2021 should see the beginning of the end of Tory rule and the strengthening of opposition to nationalist exclusiveness and building the anti-racist fight back. Stay Alert - Tories Out!

Photo by Hello I'm Nik 🎞 on Unsplash

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