
Gourab Ghosh India
White House entry for Trump is now forbidden : It is time for Biden

White House entry for Trump is now forbidden : It is time for Biden

Gourab Ghosh India//10:33pm, Nov 7th '20

The world politics in post pandemic era is going to be changed and that has been indicated in result of the US presidential election. The commander of fascism in present world, Donald Trump is not going to be the president of US any more. Joe Biden is the next chief of the United States of America.

The U.S. Presidential election 2020 which is also tagged by the name “Pandemic elections 2020” is actually an election to be remembered by the world. Till this date, more than 0.2 million people of US died a death caused by COVID-19, millions of people have lost their jobs and the economic conditions are worst since “The Great Depression of 1930”(Although rest of the world is also facing similar issues), and the administrative failure to tackle the pandemic condition has been exposed to all.

As it was assumed, Donald Trump and Joe Biden were the main contenders for the Presidential post but this election has been extremely polarized as the candidates of Republican Party and Democratic Party, together have occupied more than 98% of the total votes. The third and the fourth Party, Libertarian Party and Green Party have received less than 1.5% of the total votes together. Everyone is familiar with the fascist and conservative nature of Donald Trump who believe in religious prejudices over science and reason, and always put forward unscientific and illogical statements; but “Who is Joe Biden?”. There are many answers to this question, like – he was the U.S. Vice President from 2009-2017 during the administration of Barrack Obama, he is from the Democratic Party from which Hillary Clinton contested in the Presidential Election of 2016, he is the Presidential candidate for the elections this year from the Democratic Party etc. But what is his actual political stand? In an interview in 1974 Biden called himself liberal on civil rights and liberties. He is progressive about healthcare but conservative on other issues, including abortion and the military conscription. After announcing his entry in 2020 presidential race, he promised to create new economic opportunities for workers, restore environmental protections and healthcare rights

The main focus of Biden in the pre-election campaign was issues like Environment and Climate Change, Health-care, Racial justice, LGBTQ rights and the US-Mexico border wall issue. Biden has been a critic of Trumps’ “Damaging” Trade war with China and also the withdrawal of U.S army from Syria.

This time, Kamala Devi Harris, who is the Junior United States Senator from California since 2017, is the Vice Presidential candidate from the Democratic Party. Being an Indian youth I must acknowledge her roots to India. Her mother, Shyamala Gopalan, a renowned Bio-medical Scientist was from India who completed her Bachelor degree from Irwin College, Delhi. After that she applied for a Masters program in Nutrition and Endocrinology at University of California, Berkley. She got selected and later on she received her PhD from there. Her work in isolating and characterizing the progesterone receptor gene stimulated advancements in breast biology and oncology was well acclaimed. She was known to be a person with a socialist inclination.

Now, why this election is important for the whole world?

Being an Indian, it seems that this defeat of Trump, rather the ultimate capitalist will have a huge impact on India as it will weaken its’ fascist allies like Narendra Modi, Netanyahu of Israel and Bolsonaro of Brazil. The political situation shall be changed in most of the Asian countries and also in Latin American countries. Trump calls Biden a “Communist” and though it is funny to see a capitalist calling another capitalist as a communist but it is natural for Trump to call the ghost he fears (a communist) in this Halloween season.

The world will feel relieved seeing Trump to be overthrown from the power but it doesn’t seem to have any change in the imperialist nature of US under Biden regime and that should not be expected also.

Photo Credit: Aaron Kittredge

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