
Sourav Chakraborty India
Ongoing protest against anti-abortion law in Poland is a war between the working class women and Christian fundamentalist

Ongoing protest against anti-abortion law in Poland is a war between the working class women and Christian fundamentalist

Sourav Chakraborty India//1:06pm, Nov 4th '20

The outrage of protest in Poland is now well known to all. On 22nd October, a court ruling of Poland imposed ban on all cases of abortion except for a pregnancy that threatens the mother’s health or is resulted due to crime like rape or incest. Thus abortion in the event of severe damage to the fetus is prohibited. So it is clear that new law forcing women knowingly to give birth to terminally ill, deformed baby. This unscientific law will be liable for a life-long tragedy of many families. It will seriously affect the working class people. At present Poland does not provide adequate care and does not take any responsibility of the desirable people. Communist Party of Poland cleared their stand by saying, “the decision to give birth to a disabled child should be made only by the mother‘’.

Poland is a religious country, where 33 million out of 38 million citizens registered themselves as Roman Catholic. More interesting point is that the law of abortion was already the strictest one among the European countries. It is also to be noted here that the ruling party treat gay people as an existential threat to the nation, prompting dozens of local bodies to pass their regions free from LGBT.

A media report points out that 11 out of those 12 judges were appointed by the ruling party PiS through a controversial procedure. The President of the court, Julia Przylebska is a friend of the party leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski. The judgement of the court is a result of the move of the ruling Law and Justice Party (PiS).

It is not a new scenario. The PiS government previously attempted to tighten abortion laws in 2016 and 2017 also but the government was not successful. In 2016, thousands of women went on strike in protest against a proposal of complete ban on abortion. As a result the government was bound to move back.

Now the mood of the Poland is not similar to the previous years. The ongoing protest of the women of Poland is a remarkable incident in the recent decades. They are shouting for their lives, they are shouting for their choice. On the opposite side the ruling party is trying to impose the religious fundamentalist principle on the citizens. They are trying to fulfill religious and conservative agenda. Actually they are trying to make the authorities of the Church happy.

Protesters are conscious about their rights. The working class women are in the streets. They know the new law affects them more. This new restrictions will prohibit their right to work. They are aware that it is the first step and later the ruling party will try to impose what to eat, what to wear etc.

Presently in Poland, the Communist Party is very small but they are taking active part in this nationwide movement. They are campaigning regarding its class dimension. So it raises a hope that the communists may gain more power in this scenario and soon the Polish citizens will overthrow the present Christian fundamentalist and conservative government.

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