
Akash Chatterjee India
The 21st Party Congress of KKE; Party Looks For New Ways In The 21st Century

The 21st Party Congress of KKE; Party Looks For New Ways In The 21st Century

Akash Chatterjee India//12:15am, Jul 1st '21

The Communist Party in Greece is one of the largest communist parties in Europe. Right now, they are one of the major opposition forces in the country. The mass power behind the party and the cadre bases of the party influence other communist parties in the world. On the 24th of June, the party had their 21st party congress. The programme was inaugurated with the speech of president Dimitris Koutsoumpas and was followed by an international music ceremony.

In the party congress, a lot of things were discussed. As I told you earlier, the party has a huge mass base in the country. The number of cadres they share is envious of the other parties. Just a few days before the party congress, they organised one of the largest strikes in Greece. The strike attracted huge mass participation and it exposed the hypocrisy of the Greek Government.

In the party congress, the members of KKE discussed their roles and responsibilities shortly. They discussed their tactics and roles regarding organising the labourers in the country. The KKE has a lot of challenges in the upcoming days. They discussed the possible reactions to the challenges.

The present government in Greece has a dual face. It poses a democratic mask over the authoritarian face. As one of the major opposition forces in the country, the party, KKE has to counter the government. Hence they proposed some steps of countering the duality and hypocrisy of the government. KKE decided to take the path of continuous struggle against all oppressions. As a communist party, it has to be the vanguard of the workers. In the 21st century, the patterns of the workers' struggle are changing. KKE decided to concentrate on the discussions of the changing patterns of the workers' struggles. We are pretty sure that the party will come up with the best possible outcome.

The economic problems of Greece are increasing every day. The country is witnessing discrimination among the rich and poor. Government is ignorant of the workers' issues and problems. The new reform in the labour law is anti-workers. It will surely ruin the futures of the transport workers. The capitalist giants, following the Greek Government, are trying to make the country a free market zone. The KKE, hence, has a set of challenges. The party discussed all of these issues. They will be on the roads in future and will organise the masses. KKE pointed out a blueprint to combat the neo-liberal economic policies of the Government.

Dimitris Koutsoumpas was once again elected as the general secretary of the party. With new hopes and dreams, the party congress ended on the 27th of June. In three days, the party discussed the paths of struggles. We hope that these paths will surely lead them to glory soon.

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