
Partha Banerjee
Afghanistan in the Hands of Taliban, Again!

Afghanistan in the Hands of Taliban, Again!

Partha Banerjee//11:41pm, Aug 17th '21

Najibullah, a Soviet-backed president, came to power in Afghanistan in the 1980s. Although political peace did not return, for a very short time, at least women's freedom did take hold. Beautiful Afghan women would be seen on the streets of Kabul for a decade or two.

Then, on one hand fanatical mullahs, and on the other, international moral police America, decided that this “tyranny” could not be tolerated for long.

They did what they have always done.

Behind the prehistoric Mujahideen group came the strong support of U.S. war industry, corporate powers, and CIA. For ten years, the Soviet Union fought with the US just to prevent the influence of the Mujahideen.

Finally, a few years after the overthrow of his government by radical, violent Islamists, Najibullah was hanged in the main square of Kabul in 1996. The New York Times cheered by printing that picture on the front page.

Of course, people have forgotten all this now. Remember Saddam Hussain’s hanging?


With the rise of Osama bin Laden, a fierce extremist Islamic force called the Taliban gradually took over Afghanistan. Women's emancipation was completely destroyed by stoning, beheading, and so on. Women were forbidden to leave their house. Girls' schools and colleges were shut down. Afghanistan was completely submerged in the medieval ages. Modern America and modern Britain did not mind much. Their work was over for now. Rejoice: communist Soviet Union was wiped out.

In the Indian subcontinent, the same game has been played many times over. In August of 1975, Kissinger's puppets killed Sheikh Mujib and most of his family in Dhaka, Bangladesh. In India, another Osama called Jarnail Singh Vindranwale, and his Khalistani separatist group, backed by the CIA played their role to overthrow Indira Gandhi's socialistic government -- a conspiracy that ultimately saw Indira Gandhi’s assassination by two of her Sikh bodyguards in 1984.

History has been made forgotten -- mostly by big media and corporate powers. But even if forgotten, history remains as history. The truth can never be erased.

The US created Osama Bin Laden, The US created Mujahideen, The US created Taliban. Lastly, they shattered Afghanistan.

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