
Ian Beddowes Zimbabwe
The War in Ukraine: looking at the conflict from a non revisionist lens

The War in Ukraine: looking at the conflict from a non revisionist lens

Ian Beddowes Zimbabwe//12:00am, Mar 7th '22

The war in Ukraine has exposed the ugliness of the western bourgeoisie. The same bourgeoisie who turned a blind eye and even cheered when invasions were taking place elsewhere are today in solidarity with Ukraine.

Excuses are being made that "Putin attacked Lenin and Stalin and that Russia is no longer socialist."

Among those who fought the liberation struggle in southern Africa and were trained by the Soviets, there is one view on Ukraine. Military victory for Russia and the liquidation of the fascist gangs.

So does that mean that NATO now has the right to back the Banderovtsy? These are not neo-Nazis but actual Nazis with an unbroken record of terrorism stretching back to the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union.

We are told by the idealists posing as Marxists that we must wait until we have mobilised the Ukrainian masses against the regime. The masses who have been sold the lie of the 'Holodomor' and mostly believe it?

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And because Russia is no longer socialist, does this now mean that NATO has the right to place its bases in Ukraine?

And what about the calls for "Peace and negotiation". We are reminded of British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and the negotiation with Hitler which gave away Czechoslovakia. And in Zimbabwe we remember that our great leader Comrade Joshua Nkomo, Father of Zimbabwe, made the greatest error of his political life when he agreed to the Lancaster House talks and negotiated settlement rather than full-scale invasion from Zambia by the Zimbabwe People's Revolutionary Army based in Zambia.

As US diplomat Andrew Young wrote in 1980. "The victory of Robert Mugabe is victory for Western diplomacy. It has stopped the Soviet advance through Africa represented in Zimbabwe by Joshua Nkomo."

That compromise is not a principle it is a tactic. So in Ukraine why do we need a "peaceful settlement" with the Banderovtsy? Do we really believe that the clown Zelensky is in control of Ukraine? Do we really want to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory? We had another negotiated settlement in South Africa which has led to economic chaos and high unemployment with the adoption of a neoliberal programme in 1996. The result of a negotiated settlement.

And where were the Eurocommunists when Bill Clinton armed Uganda and Rwanda to invade Congo in 1998 leading to a war which according to the UN killed more than 5 million people? Where were they when 14 countries under NATO leadership bombed Libya out of existence?

The sheer hypocrisy of the west and their moralistic stand on Ukraine is nothing but revisionism at best. It is extremely hypocritical to take an anti-war stand in one instance and then cheer for warmongers in another.

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