
Sumedha Chatterjee Ireland
The International Magazine Turns 1: What a beautiful journey!

The International Magazine Turns 1: What a beautiful journey!

Sumedha Chatterjee Ireland//2:41am, Dec 11th '21

What’s the best source for unbiased, authentic take on things? Media funded by the corporates? Or looney conservative media peddling hysteria ? Trick question. None of these is the source of ‘authenticity’. This is where we step in. The international magazine is biased- towards the betterment of the world as we know it. We don’t merely report News, we strive to find out the truth- we provide analysis, commentary, a deeper understanding of things. We are openly anti capitalist, anti imperialist and anti fascist and we proudly boast our credentials in our website given below:


We indeed are biased and openly claim so. There is no subtle form of indoctrination that comes with the consumption of other forms of media. You get exactly what you pay for.

What do we do and how do we do it?

There is no dearth of left led media outlets, and magazines. But is that enough? Often democratic socialist, these outlets are parochial and do not give news from the world over. Our magazine is a tad bit different from the usual order of things. As the name suggests, the magazine advocates for communism worldwide. Staying true to its name, it is run by noted communists from all over the globe. There is no other magazine quite like it. Articles by people such as Gennedy Zyuganov (General Secretary, Communist Party of Russian Federation) , Arun Chaudhary (first official videographer of the White House) and noted academics like Asatar Bair have been published. Published by progressive thinkers run by Subhasree Adhikary , Shuvam Banerjee and Mr Debojit Banerjee, the magazine does NOT rely on any sort of corporate funding. We primarily rely on our readers who come from all walks of life. The magazine today has been growing steadily, which has been possible only due to our coterie of extremely loyal readers dedicated to furthering the ideology of communism. Each and every article published is carefully curated by our editorial team which consists of 35 dedicated communists which includes Roman Kokonenko from Russia who is a Central Committee member of Communist Party of Russian Federation(CPRF), Robin Talbot from Britain who is the Chairman of Young Communist League(YCL) Britain, Darrell Rankin from Canada – a marxist intelectual, Sonja Beier from Austria – International Officer of KJO, Mariana Ruiz from Venezuela – a Central leader of Partido Comunista de Venezuela(PCV), Dloze Matooane who is a leader from South Africa and many more. Apart from this, we also keep our readers abreast with popular movements by engaging with them via Twitter. There are 2 sections, one of them consists of a blog, which is updated daily and another is a paid subscription to our magazine which we publish monthly. The blog is free for whoever chooses to get authentic news from all over the world, especially Africa, which is often ignored by the mainstream media. The paid monthly magazine consists of a series of articles concerning popular movements, movie reviews, book reviews and various socio-economic issues. It also provides with a in depth commentary on pop culture.

Shuvam Banerjee and Sourav Chakraborty


The magazine is the fruit of the joint efforts of Debojit Banerjee, Shuvam Banerjee, Sourav Chakraborty and Gourab Ghosh. The four of them have been working at the grassroots for years, all involved with AISF (All India Students’ Federation) and CPI. Other than being largely responsible for the magazine, these men have day jobs as well. Mr. Chakraborty happens to be a practicing lawyer and the Joint Secretary of AISF West Bengal State Council. Shuvam Banerjee is the National president of AISF and a National Council member of Communist Party of India (CPI). Debojit Banerjee happens to be a master’s degree student and a state executive member of AISF. Mr. Gourab Ghosh is also a master’s. student and State Council member of the same organisation.

Debojit Banerjee and Gourab Ghosh

What sets us apart?

A magazine of this kind is very hard to maintain and requires will, determination and an unwavering commitment to the ideology. There is no dearth of publications and news agencies in this day and age. But that in itself is part of the problem. The founders of the magazine rightfully identified a vacuum left by the fall of the soviet. “The fight between capitalism and communism is not merely electoral. It is ideological as well.” says Mr. Debojit Banerjee. “While our magazine turns one, we are in no mood to celebrate. Our goal is to get rid of the current system of oppression and we shall work tirelessly towards it” he adds. Thus, an alternative media needs to be established. In the good old days of the Soviet, left wing publications thrived worldwide. The Soviet sowed its seeds everywhere, provided them with the latest technology to win the battle of ideology. It’s dissolution is felt today. Our magazine strives to be THE alternative. Our competitors are not just the shameless media which tows the line of capitalists, but also so called center left outlets who have betrayed the revolution. We are red to the core and shall continue being so.


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