
Rahul Das India
Irrelevance of Academia - A Neoliberal Outcome

Irrelevance of Academia - A Neoliberal Outcome

Rahul Das India//12:48am, Jun 19th '21

Karl Marx once wrote, "In a capitalist society, spare time is acquired for one class by converting the whole life-time of the masses into labour-time." He also mentioned, that the only way to control a society is by keeping it away from its history.

Derivative Demand

For an issue driven populist regime, the easy way to alienate people from their history, more so, the history of their own class-struggle is by rendering every construct of academia, irrelevant. When Restaurants, Shops, Courts are allowed to stay open and Schools/Universities are asked to remain shut, the government's attempt to force Education take the backseat remains exposed. That the society is still busy with religion and meat, is all the more worrisome as it indicates that we, the people of India, have accepted this bourgeoisie narrative that aims to control our society by making us believe that everything else is more important than Education, that questioning in the middle of a crisis is obscene, that there are rules and protocols to be followed. And just when the society reaches the saturation point of quelling the inner struggle, the derivate demand of doles increase. That is how elections are won and questions are buried under the realities of class struggle.


On May 11, 2015, Mamata Banerjee, Chief Minister of West Bengal, announced that 7 smart cities will be setup across the state. On July 1, 2015, Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India, launched the Digital India campaign.

On June 1, 2021, CBSE Class 12 Board were cancelled citing Covid19 situation. On June 7, 2021, West Bengal Council Class 12 Board exams were cancelled citing similar reasons. It is clear that neither Banerjee's smartness nor Modi's digital vision had any intention to facilitate the Education sector. The less society feels the need to study, easier it will be to overwhelm them with propaganda and fake news. This way, both the governments can ensure a loyal vote bank.

An example of Domestic Alternative

Within the dominion of India, Kerala government has successfully conducted their state board Class 10 exam and results were announced on 10 June, 2021. Class 12 board exam results will be announced with a delay. Important to note, Kerala has the highest literacy rate in India. It has the youngest mayor in India, heading the Corporation of Thiruvananthapuram. The current cabinet has replaced eminent politicians as K. Sailaja with new faces. The alliance, Left Democratic Front, continue to stick to the ideologies and for the first time in Kerala, LDF have won two successive terms.

Photo by Nikhita S on Unsplash

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