
Brian Topping England
Class Against Class

Class Against Class

Brian Topping England//11:46pm, Feb 25th '21

The more that is exposed about Matt Hancock’s corrupt habits as Tory Health Minister, the less sophisticated his actions are shown to be.
The latest has to be true as it would implausible as fiction. When the pubs were open, Hancock was fond of a pint or two in his local, unbelievably called, The Cock Inn.

It now emerges Hancock has recently awarded the former licensee of the Cock Inn a multi-million pound contract for the supply of test tubes as part of the government Covid testing programme. The deal is being investigated, as were his previous actions which have been deemed ‘unlawful’.

This sort of Ministerial conduct could be explained by crass stupidity or hostility to planning.In Hancock’s case they probably do play a part. However, it is more accurate to see them as ruling class arrogance, reflecting the collective guilt of the ruling elite themselves.

From the beginning of the crisis the Tories have consistently demonstrated loyalty to their class and those who fund the Tory party itself. Aiding and abetting the penetration of health services by big business profiteers such as SERCO, or smaller companies owned by friends and family. Profits before people is central to Tory policy.

There is also the question of conspiracy. These do happen in government and State activity, but it would be a diversion to see Tory corruption in purely conspiratorial terms.

What is clear in the governments response to the pandemic is ruling class self-interest in action. The consequences (unnecessary deaths) are not of concern to the ruling elite,as long as existing power and privilege is untouched by the deepening crisis.

As the pandemic threat recedes, building working class unity and organised opposition will be crucial in resisting the economic offensive being planned by the ruling super rich elite.

‘‘Open or not open’’: Western media's hypocrisy on China's COVID policies
Anna Ge CGTN Host//10:37pm, Feb 4th '23

‘‘Open or not open’’: Western media's hypocrisy on China's COVID policies

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Interview with Gerardo Hernadez
Denis Rogatyuk//12:10am, Feb 15th '23

Interview with Gerardo Hernadez

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Will Biden fix his mess in Syria
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Will Biden fix his mess in Syria

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The Question of Henry Kissinger and the International Criminal Court in the Hague
Luis Lazaro Tijerina USA//8:42pm, Jun 21st '23

The Question of Henry Kissinger and the International Criminal Court in the Hague

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Why Taiwan won't be another Ukraine
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Luis Lazaro Tijerina USA//1:14am, Nov 19th '24


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