
Own Correspondent
Protest against Israeli occupation in the Syrian territory of Golan Heights

Protest against Israeli occupation in the Syrian territory of Golan Heights

Own Correspondent//6:12pm, Dec 12th '20

On 9th December 2020, a demonstration was organized by the people of Masada village in the Syrian Golan Heights territory to demand the Israeli occupation authorities to stop installing wind turbine fans on their agricultural lands.

The occupational authorities of Israel fired poison gas, smoke bombs and rubber bullets at the protestors who were against the plans of their land annexation; even ambulances were unable to reach that area.
More than 20 people were wounded and 5 were detained.

Syrian Democratic Youth Union has called the sister organizations of WFDY and other progressive anti-imperialist movements and organizations, to express their solidarity with the struggle of Syrian people who live in the occupied Golan Heights region, and to condemn the activities of the entity of "Israeli" occupation in the territory of the Golan Heights usurped in 1967; including the annexation plans or the attempts to install the wind turbine fans in the agricultural areas. Left and democratic organizations of Syria have already condemned all acts of aggression and crimes committed by the "Israeli" Zionist entity against the people in all the occupied Middle-East territories.

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