
Hugo Rojas Venezuela
The APR : only political expression that offers Venezuelan youth a consistent fight for the future

The APR : only political expression that offers Venezuelan youth a consistent fight for the future

Hugo Rojas Venezuela//3:06pm, Nov 16th '20

The Communist Youth of Venezuela (JCV), the main quarry of cadres of the PCV, in the current context of class struggle inscribed in the structural collapse of the world capitalist system, is aimed at developing the policy that the 17th plenary session of the CC-PCV resolved and that ratified its XVIII plenary session, to build a policy of the Alternative Popular Revolutionary Alliance (APR) that expresses the real interests of the workers of the city and the countryside, that brings together and regroups intellectuals, professional unions, young people, students , women, and the people in general who are resisting in the face of the capitalist crisis, exacerbated by the aggressions of imperialism, by the liberal and reformist policies of a surrender nature implemented by a sector of the current government leadership, and as if that were not enough, for the global pandemic of COVID-19.

In this sense, the main efforts of the JCV are aimed at summoning and joining the Venezuelan revolutionary, patriotic and fighter youth to the dynamics and collective processes of the APR, in the perspective of contributing to the programmatic conception for the revolutionary improvement of the capitalist crisis, as well as in the revolutionary parliamentary program, whose efforts should be aimed at transcending the electoral issue, expanding the work with the different popular youth expressions, and allowing a favorable correlation of forces to triumph in the face of the castrating polarity between the sectors reactionaries aligned with imperialism, and the traitors of the people, reformists and submissive entrenched in the state institutionally.

Organization and struggle are tasks that cannot be postponed at the moment that are threatened by the pandemic situation, but it is not an option for young Venezuelan communists to give up calling the youth to organize in defense of their rights, which are under tremendous attack due to the capitalist crisis. That is why on behalf of the APR, in all regions of Venezuela, the JCV is calling for regrouping organization to defend the right of public, popular, quality education in universities and study centers. Similarly they are accompanying the workers’ struggles in the farms demanding sufficient wages that at least cover the basic needs, as ordered by Article 91 of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. In the same way, the JCV and other youth organizations integrated into the APR have been accompanying the struggles of peasants for the land to cultivate and against the oppression of landowners and the capitalist. The present privatizing model is favorable to the landowners and multinational agribusiness companies. All these struggles that are in development are the main source that feeds the proposals for a parliamentary program from the National Assembly where the same young communists and the APR for deliberation, debate and collective construction, have been appointed candidates, taking up all the spaces in the fight to prevent the deterioration of popular conquests, and strong class unity to advance the fight against imperialist aggression. Since only through a consequent struggle, there is a guarantee of better future, and in Venezuela, at this moment, the Popular Revolutionary Alternative is a crucial instance that embodies such a goal.

A full article on Venezuelan electoral context is published in the November edition of the monthly magazine

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