
Own Correspondent
Joint press release by the youths of Palestine, Syria and Jordan

Joint press release by the youths of Palestine, Syria and Jordan

Own Correspondent//8:03pm, Oct 22nd '20

Palestinian Peoples Party Youth, Syrian Democratic Youth Union and Jordanian democratic Youth Union have expressed their full solidarity to the struggle of the Palestinian prisoners in the prisons of the fascist Zionist Israeli occupation who face the worst forms of racism and oppression, especially in the so-called administrative detention without charge or trial, as the number of administrative detainees has reached 350, headed by Maher Al-Akhras, who is in his sixth year in captivity. He has been on hunger strike for more than eighty days, struggling with his empty stomachs to protest against his administrative detention. Al-Akhras's health is in a very critical situation at present.

These three youth organisations have appealed to all the peoples of the world to stand by the struggle of the Palestinian people and their prisoner movement in the prisons of Zionist fascism.

Silverline, Marxism & The Kerala Model
Abin Raj R S India//12:03am, Feb 7th '22

Silverline, Marxism & The Kerala Model

Introduction: The Silverline Project has raised many questions and is a source of major debates and discussion in the state. From Poets to the commoners, everyone is included in the discussion. Most of....

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What is the cause of Peru's political crisis  and who is responsible? – An Interview
Work of The International//5:20pm, Dec 23rd '22

What is the cause of Peru's political crisis and who is responsible? – An Interview

“Many people in urban and wealthier areas do not accept that a peasant who speaks differently from them and dresses differently from them should be their president, and that is why they persecuted him....

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Ukraine is being sacrificed at the altar of Western values
Werner Rugemar Germany//12:11am, Aug 29th '23

Ukraine is being sacrificed at the altar of Western values

US officials now suddenly announced that 70,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed so far. This Western state secret was revealed - but it was not a secret at all. Death toll publicly known In Ukraine,....

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Jose Luis da Silva Neto Brazil//11:13pm, Mar 16th '22


The subjugation of one nation by another, colonialism, takes on various bodies and forms. Throughout history, the goals of colonialist nations may vary according to the socio-spatial environment, but in....

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On Dialectical and Historical Materialism: Part 2
Turner Roth USA//1:44am, Apr 22nd '23

On Dialectical and Historical Materialism: Part 2

Development of modern principles of dialectical and historical materialismRead the part 1 of this article.KantWithout Kant (born 1724 in Konigsberg, East Prussia; died 1804 in Konigsberg) there would be....

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Syria's Ignominious Role in the Lebanese Civil War
Yanis Iqbal India//11:38pm, Apr 27th '21

Syria's Ignominious Role in the Lebanese Civil War

April 9, 1976. The Syrian military intervenes in Lebanon to fight against the National Movement (NM) and Palestinians. Kamal Jumblatt - the leader of the NM - was too radical for the liking of Damascus.....

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